Friday, June 08, 2007

Redefining the concept of God

Humans have evolved with a faith and belief circuitry in their brain. This is also called the God's module, as it is responsible for our Faith in God.

Thus the existence of a belief mechanism inherent, necessitated the invention of the concept of God. Every civilization, society and even tribes have this concept. Most started with multiple gods and then culled it to just one God. Hinduism and its derivative, Buddhism went for the next lower number, from 1 to zero. Thus both these religions have provisions for the possibility of non-existence of God.

Though the evolution of thoughts have facilitated the concept of multiple to a single God; Most of all the evolutionary concepts are still preserved within their folds. Just as evolution from reptiles to mammals does not make reptiles extinct automatically, so does the evolution of zero god progressing from multiple to one, does not make people who still carry the belief of multiple gods extinct. However, people should be aware of their options, so they can choose their belief system.

Since all of us have a faith and belief circuitry embedded in our brains, and given that we do need a concept of God; further given that the God concept, as it stands today, is at least 2000 years old. Why not consciously re-invent God?

For the current concept of God, He is not omnipotent, because He has a nemesis, the Devil.

We can't use the politically correct "he or she" for God, because 2000 years ago, when this God was invented, it was a male dominated society and anyone familiar with the Bible will know that women were treated less kindly than animals.

God does not have jurisdiction on Hell. So He is not omnipresent as well, since He is absent from Hell. He is not kind, for He often punishes human-kind severely for failing to praise Him. He is whimsical, for He is prone to break His own laws, just to dole out favors to those undeserving people, whose only merit is to flatter Him.

So, given that the current God concept is outdated and obsolete; What should be the new concept?

Lets say, God should be Fair, Omnipresent and Omnipotent and should therefore be politically correct.

Thus God can't be either male or female, so lets reject the anthropomorphic model of God.

Best to make God inanimate, so lets refer to God as It.

God could not have consciously created this world, because of two reasons. God is beyond desire, and if a perfect God had designed this world there would not have been any cruelty nor death. No sins by design! Therefore, there would not be a Hell necessary. If there was no hell, then a perfectly design World would be Heaven! This earth is not that, so it has not been designed by God.

If God has to be omnipresent and omnipotent then God has to exist in Quantum dimensions. and, since we know that at Quantum dimensions mass and energy only exist and that they are interchangeable. We can easily call the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Quantum mass-energy as God.

The side-effect of the interplay between mass-energy at quantum level results into the illusion of space-time. Thus the world as we see it, is NOT designed by God, but God is the fabric that makes the world.

Yet, God is not responsible for good nor evil. The concept of God is beyond good bad or ugly.
