Deepak chopra on Richard Dawkins
My Comments Deepak Chopra's take on Richard Dawkins:
Re: Do you think you are conscious and intelligent, or are you being fooled by random chemical reactions inside your skull?
Yes, its called Maya in Hinduism. IMHO, consciousness emerges in higher dimension as an self organising processes at molecular level.
And, this leads us to the Free Will debate. The question is if the consciousness emerges out of quantum dynamics, then where is the free will? And, the karma is predicted by the initial conditions at the start of the current cycle (or Big Bang if you please) of the Universe.
My hypothesis is, that though consciousness is the projection from neural network of our brains and at yet lower dimensions its quantum interactions; The higher level influence the lower level through a feedback system. Just like in computers, a software program influences the electrons flow in the transistor etched on the silicon chip, and yet the software is manifested at electron level within the same silicon chip, what we call RAM.
Re: then we must assume that throwing water and salt together--along with about six other basic building blocks of organic chemicals--suddenly makes them intelligent...
again the answer is Yes! only the process of self organisation took a few billion years.
If you wish to give God the credit for this creative intelligence, go right ahead and do it, I have no problems with that; as long as, that God, that you created, does not answer personal prayers by breaking the laws of the nature.
(c) 2006, Ashish Banerjee,
Re: Do you think you are conscious and intelligent, or are you being fooled by random chemical reactions inside your skull?
Yes, its called Maya in Hinduism. IMHO, consciousness emerges in higher dimension as an self organising processes at molecular level.
And, this leads us to the Free Will debate. The question is if the consciousness emerges out of quantum dynamics, then where is the free will? And, the karma is predicted by the initial conditions at the start of the current cycle (or Big Bang if you please) of the Universe.
My hypothesis is, that though consciousness is the projection from neural network of our brains and at yet lower dimensions its quantum interactions; The higher level influence the lower level through a feedback system. Just like in computers, a software program influences the electrons flow in the transistor etched on the silicon chip, and yet the software is manifested at electron level within the same silicon chip, what we call RAM.
Re: then we must assume that throwing water and salt together--along with about six other basic building blocks of organic chemicals--suddenly makes them intelligent...
again the answer is Yes! only the process of self organisation took a few billion years.
If you wish to give God the credit for this creative intelligence, go right ahead and do it, I have no problems with that; as long as, that God, that you created, does not answer personal prayers by breaking the laws of the nature.
(c) 2006, Ashish Banerjee,
Labels: atheism, atheist, Deepak Chopra, God, Richard Dawkins
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